No more rhymes.
Although some say soul-searching and navel-gazing are quintessential necessities in one's life, I never felt the urge to pay attention to them. Until now, when I attribute the present day scenario to the negligence to such an introspection or other forms of solipsism.
Sometimes, we learn the hard way. Well, most of the times, it is easier to learn things the hard way, but most of the times it is unexpected. When things don't go as planned, stop, think! Is this really not planned? Somewhere deep down inside it feels comforting to know that the unplanned is somewhat or somewhere planned.
Some things may seam vary of the fact that they by virtue of their own existence are essential, but they are actually not.
And lastly, some things are beautiful to see, but when we touch them, they turn into ash. Enjoy the mirage from a distance, greed to go closer might sometimes ruin the very nature of the source.
Hope is something that is easy to think of, emotions are deadly weapons from the other side and hope on the other side is a horrible feeling. Uncertainity is unprocessed by my mind.
May you live in interesting times, may you get what you wish for