The essence of loving something lies in the difficulty of letting it go. Parting is always hurtful if not for the memories.
But, what I've realised is that parting with something is essential as sometimes it brings upon a new sense of living. It does make life beautiful for that something and maybe even us. Maybe the best is not in you, so why deny the best for others? When letting go can make them do better, make them stand on their own and live up to something they've always believed in and trusted themselves for.
Sometimes, we may stand in the way of our loved ones. And that is what is the real test I believe. The emotions that outlay this are innumerable. Hope always remains, although the dark may seem endless and daunting.
Making lives is a huge part of love, alongside love there grows an attachment which denies the thought of letting go. But love is all in the happiness in her eyes. Their happiness does inculcate a feeling of pleasure, comfort and relief in us.
What is better than seeing your people do well, although you aren't that connected any more. Some relations are for a smaller period I believe, but the mark they leave stays forever.
I see you moving ahead and doing good. It makes me feel so happy. Letting go is by far the best decision I've made for you I believe. May you grow, grow and grow into what you've always wanted to be. May your life be filled with all the rewards and deeds left in for you. May the best reside by you and support you in all your future endeavours.
I do love you, and will always be there for your inner self when it needs someone. Although you may deny, you still do, too! :)
May you live in interesting times and may the best reside by you.