Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The past few years have taught me some quintessential life lessons, but love and hope dragged me out of the turmoil. Well, I guess it's called growing up. I couldn't blog or even do the usual things I do, in fact I was so busy finding myself that I even forgot I lived through 15 months already. Since, I didn't write about the past for so many months, it wouldn't make sense to think back and write it all in detail. I'd therefore keep going back and forth to the past whenever necessary in my future posts.

Well, that's quite a serious paragraph, isn't it?
Now, let me come back to the present. It's December 31, 2013 and I've been numb about the whole year, part of which I chose to not remember. I mean I just wanted to erase the bad memories and now I seriously don't remember a few phases, which I take a good thing. Concentrating on the good memories, this is the year when I bounced back with my better half. And trust me, it's been more than amazing till now, no wonder I'm with her!

I will be turning 22 this year and all these years have been a growth story. Every year I decide on a few resolutions and I try to make them come true. This year being no different I've come up with a few resolutions. Let's hope that I can seriously turn them into reality.

1. Get Back In Shape. Please?
Adding about 30-40 pounds to my already not-so-amazing figure wasn't a good idea. I weigh about 195 pounds approximately as of today. This is way over the suitable weight for my height. Moreover, this actually makes me look obese. With a flab popping out, loose biceps, double chin and family pack tummy, I already look like an old man. Adding to the look, my weight also has made me, the epitome of laziness, lazier. I can barely run for 2 minutes now, which makes me avoid walking whenever possible. With growing health adversities, this would possibly be one of the biggest contributor in reducing my life span if not controlled. Coming from a diabetic family, I really don't have many other options than to reduce my weight. Actually, it's more about being fit and healthy. So, I pledge that I will work on my health and body and make it my primary goal for 2014!

2. Find other ways of socializing, drink less?
This year has been the year I 'finally' started drinking. And believe me when I say this, I have been addicted to it. It started out as a thing to do at friendly gatherings, but eventually it ended up being the reason to meet friends more often. Initially, a lot of clubbing and alcoholism served as a temporary relief for the problems I faced, but soon it became the reason for a lot of things. Failing grades, losing people and falling sick being just a few of them. I mean what was I thinking right? Well, now that I look back and see, I feel the same. Part of my downfall in 2013 was because of alcohol. It was literally affecting my judgement. After I drink, I become a happy person, tend to accept people easily (thereby making friends with people whom I'd never befriend normally) and be everything I ever wanted to be. Moreover, I've noticed that my brain works faster when I'm drunk. Faster, but not always in the right direction. But, the double chin and the extra fat are also because of the Black Label larges and the Grey Goose shots. So in 2014, I would reduce my drinking to a bare minimum and drink only when extremely necessary in inevitable situations.

3. Think Positive. Be Positive.
My better half actually made a very good point about me. She said that I make my backup plans better than my actual plans, and that is why my actual plans fail. I have this tendency to make backup plans for almost everything so that I'm always in a win-win situation. It's a good business strategy and works well in personal life too, but not always. It's good to have backup plans so that we don't get hurt when something fails, but it's dangerous to heavily bank on the backup plan. I've recently come across a whole set of people who believe in being positive. Sounds too cliche right? Initially, I also laughed it off, but when I came to think about it, it made sense! Being and thinking positive eliminates all possible failing elements and leaves just what you want. One may argue how thoughts can actually change the reality. But Gautama Budda, a spiritual Indian Guru once said and I quote, “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” This actually got rooted deep in my mind. Although I still feel backup plans are necessary, being positive wouldn't give a chance to the backup plan. And in 2014, I wish to implement this quote in my life and see miracles happen. Wouldn't hurt you know?

4. Dream Less, Work More?
I have this bad habit of making amazing plans and leaving them in middle or never even initiating them. I dream a lot. And day dreaming is like my middle name. I see myself as a highly ambitious and subtle person, but inside I'm a different case altogether. My ideas, ambitions, inspirational talks and charisma takes people by an awe, but am I actually going in the direction I want to? I recently got a United States patent, Outstanding Student Award in college and strong praise from different sections of people about the way I do things. But the lesser known fact is that I dream a lot. I work hard for a few things but most of them are still just left as dreams. I think I can do much much more. Maybe that's the reason why I always feel like an under-achiever, although people see me otherwise. This year I graduate from college and take up family responsibilities and start working full-time too! So, I feel 2014 should be the year I turn my dreams into reality by strategically planning and achieving more than I can. And yes I can do it!

Although the list is never-ending for a person who analyzes himself more than he analyzes others, I think these are the main things I'd like to work upon. These would improve my mental and physical health, make me an achiever in my eyes and also carve way for miracles!

Cheers, to the start of one an year filled with responsibility, growth, achievement, hard work, seriousness and of course love!

Wishing you all a happy and an eventful New Year 2014! Be safe and inspire the world!

Set Goals. Work Hard. Achieve. Repeat.


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