Saturday, May 10, 2014

The future seems so uncertain in a lot of aspects of life now. Both personal and academic obstacles are challenging the pace of time. Life has become still, rather slow paced. 

But, living in the present is what I've taken up. Ms. Radhika has inspired me to live in the present and deal with every situation as it comes. Sometimes, constantly thinking about the future or regretting the past, we tend to not make the most of our present. After all the present is called a present for a reason! :) 

Live in the present. Take one step at a time and enjoy every moment to the fullest. Don't just read this as just another post that keeps running on Facebook or other social networking sites to gain "likes," but actually think about it. It works. Try it sometime! 

Elance work is going well. Got a lot of projects. Will update in the next post. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The year 2014 started off well. The first few days I was following my resolutions and life seemed good. 

But, after the first week, bad news struck me. I couldn't go back to the US due to an I-20 (An important supporting document for the US Student Visa) issue. This shattered all my dreams of graduating in December 2014. Now, my graduation got extended by four more months to May 2015! I feel terrible.

With rising responsibilities, the thought of graduation and a job thereafter gave immense peace to my mind filled with an array of other thoughts. But, now the dream seems a bit farther. 

This debacle still didn't sink in completely. Therefore, after being momentarily upset, I picked myself up and started thinking! 

So, I pretty much have about 8 months before I go back to the US. Still not sure about how to spend this time wisely. But, I've started penning down a list of things to do. I'm also taking help of my "things to do before it's too late" list made four years back. Well, what better way to spend time by doing things you've always wanted to do?

The first on the list is taking up freelance writing. So, I created my profile on and started bidding for writing jobs. Soon, came my first job - Write a book about Bitcoins! 

Loving my job till now. Wishing for million wise ways to spend this time. I'll keep you all posted. 

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